Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Greek NO to the Creditors

Today the Greek People have said no to the technocracy and to the austerity with their democratic choice. It has been already more than 5 years as the “Troika” (IMF,ECB,EU) has been dictating the Greek government to be obliged to undertake the austerity that has augmented the foreign debt and that has brought Greece to a humanitarian crisis. The former puppet government was replaced by the new left-wing “SYRIZA” government in the January 2015 general elections, that created a chance to save the country from the destruction by the financial elites. During the five month period of the negotiations between the “SYRIZA” led government and the “Troika” institutions, the Western media was in charge of advocating the anti-left-wing government campaign. After the the negotiations had entered the deadlock and the Greek government had called for the referendum the anti-SYRIZA propaganda of the Western mainstream media was enhanced and the financial blackmail was also undertaken against them. The banks were closed and the people were constantly hearing from the corrupt media about the inevitable plummet of the country caused by the left-wing government. Considering all of these, the Greek people have expressed their unprecedented bravery by saying no (OXI) to the next round of austerity proposals of the creditors with 60% of the votes.

With this referendum the Greeks have managed to turn the European politics around and they have implemented the return of the masses back to politics again. It is significant that the Greek government has chosen this format that has given the opportunity to its country to decide its own fate in the times when the Greek people had been cut off the political participation that had brought the country to an abyss. These previous policies where empowered by the financial elites and the banks by avoiding the people. They took debts, but the forced they Greek working class, pensioners, students and others, those who had benefited nothing from these debts to repay them.

This was another victory for the anti-capitalist movements, that take the forms of the anti-austerity movements nowadays and these movements get stronger day-by-day in the Souther Europe. Tomorrow the creditors are going to take on with the negotiations with Greece again, but the balance has been shifted now. The financial elites and the EU establishment stand no other chance but to retreat regarding the solidarity actions that took place across the Europe and beyond during this five day period.


  1. Seriously? are You fooling Yourself? What victory? Greece will be even more miserable soon, then they are now and this is not only a fault of criminal previous government and the Troika thugs, but also this populist government, that is shame to all leftists and socialists.



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